Student Information

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Student Contact Information

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Student Demographic Information

Ethnicity (Choose as many as are applicable)

African American/Black

U.S./African American
African (from African continent)
Caribbean (African/Black ancestry)
Central or South American
Other Black or African ancestry

American Indian/Alaskan Native

American Indian/Alaskan Native

Asian/Asian American

Chinese/Chinese American (including Taiwanese)
Filipino/Filipino American
Japanese/Japanese American
Korean/Korean American
South Asian (e.g., from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh)
Vietnamese/Vietnamese American
Other South East Asian (e.g., from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand)
Other Asian/Asian American ancestry

Hispanic/Latino, or Spanish Origin

Central American
Chicano/Mexican American
Cuban/Cuban American
Puerto Rican
South American
Other Latino/Hispanic American (including Latin Caribbean) ancestry

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Native Hawaiian
Other Pacific Islander ancestry


European/European American
Middle Eastern/Middle Eastern American
North African American
Other White/Caucasian ancestry


Other Ethnicity

Decline to State

Decline to State

Student Account Information

After clicking Create New Account, we will verify your email address by sending an email to your inbox with instructions on how to activate your account.

At least 8 characters, contains a letter and a number

OtherChoose from a list

IRS 1098-T Tax Form Consent

A 1098-T tax form will be issued for all qualifying tuition within the current tax year. How would you like to receive your 1098-T tax form?
Electronic Delivery
Mail Delivery
I am a non-immigrant international student and do not require a 1098-T

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